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Snacks on a Plane: Yummy Tidbits for Travel

“I love airplane food!” said nobody…ever.

Even if you’re traveling first class, you have no control over on-time departure or how quickly you’ll receive that meal once your plane does take off.

And, if you’re in a car, the sound of a grumbling stomach can be deafening.

So when we (Matt and Nancy, the team behind this site)  travel, we pack snacks. Here are our faves (and why).

  1. Nuts and Trail Mix top the list. Protein-rich, they are light to pack. This cashew mix from Foods Alive or these easy, pocket-sized nuts-only mix from are options. Most grocery stores carry individual packs of pistachios and almonds too.
  2. What goes better with a juicy airplane movie, audiobook, or podcast than popcorn? Hold the butter! SkinnyPop is a great addition to any carry-on. You can buy small bags or buy a big one before you leave and divide it into smaller bags.
  3. Fresh fruit! We don’t think you’ll get busted for carrying an apple or banana. Some airport Starbucks sell fresh fruit that can easily be mobile-ordered. Read more about the benefits of fresh fruit HERE! Dried organic fruit chips like these are among Nancy’s faves and I love Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars. And check out the appropriately named That’s It bars.
  4. (Don’t) spill the tea — but pack it! Hot water is free. I highly recommend ginger tea from Harney and Sons. Coffee drinker? Java now comes in bags too. Feeling frisky? You can even steep beverages in a bag (alcoholic or virgin) from Sayso!
  5. Sweet tooth? Lollipops are easy to pack and last a long time. But be respectful of your teeth and check out these healthier options from Dr. John’s and oh-so-decadent sugar-free chocolate and butterscotch suckers from See’s.

Most convenience stores now carry high-protein options like cheese/meat packs and even hardboiled eggs, but be wary of expiration dates.

If you keep yourself well-nourished on the road, you’ll be less likely to raid the expensive mini-bar or order the largest item on the menu when you reach your destination.

A hungry traveler is a cranky traveler.

Snacks on a plane (or car) are way less frightening than the alternatives!



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