Meet Denise Rosplock! The Green Nomad Who Took a Planet-Friendly Sabbatical

Our own Bleisure Living contributor, Denise Rosplock, left the corporate world behind for a few months and went to the wilds (and other places) to experience sustainability efforts firsthand and clear her mind as she planned her next career move.

She returned energized and focused. Here is her story.

Why did you decide to take a Bleisure Living “sabbatical?”

“Simple answer? I took advantage of a unique opportunity to invest in myself at a time when I really needed it. Best decision I’ve ever made.

Brief rewind to 2021: I put wheels in motion on new personal and professional plans.  I began transitioning into a climate-first career focus and in 2022, landed a lucrative VP Sustainability role.  Big win. The downside?  It was a long-term temp position; the role expired in early 2023.

On the personal side, I’m like countless others healing from the scars COVID-19 left on my physical and mental health. I embarked on a wellness journey that included several lifestyle changes, the biggest being the decision to relocate to a community better aligned with my values and goals.

At the end of 2022, the sun, moon, and stars aligned; the temp job would end at the same time as my lease.  I paused. I stopped job hunting.  I stopped house hunting.  This was the only time in 25 years I could put myself first without risk or guilt.  So, I packed my life into a storage unit and hit the road.”

How long were you gone for?  

“I spent five weeks in Brazil followed by 3 months in Spain, France, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Italy.  Sounds like a lot of time, but to this day still feels too short!”

Did you work at all while you were on the road?

“YES! And I say that emphatically because working on ourselves IS work, probably the most important work we should do!

I had 4 sabbatical goals:

1. Continue deepening my sustainability knowledge
2. Travel sustainably:  zero waste, low/no CO2e travel
3. Improve my physical health
4. Immerse myself culturally

All plans centered on the first three goals: the cities I chose, access to mass transit and gyms, composting, and volunteer work.  I spent 72 days in the gym and clocked over 880,000 steps.  I spoke with local officials and business owners about a range of sustainability topics, from the difference between biodynamic and natural wines to securing zoning rights for an urban retail park featuring upcycled shipping containers.  

The hardest work I did was with the Iracambi Research Center in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  Two weeks of hands-on volunteer work learning about reforestation, agroforestry, biodiversity, and how local communities, NGOs, businesses, and governments come together to heal our planet in ways that spark new economic opportunities. I’m not one for poisonous snakes, hiking through hip-high water, or blazing trails with machetes…at least I wasn’t. Now I can’t wait to return. A life-changing experience.

While every week had structure, plans, and goals, I left room for whimsy and discovery.  I gave my brain the time and space to absorb nature, centuries of art and architecture, and local folklore.  I networked, took online courses, and shared my adventures in my blog At the Fork.

So yes, I worked.”

What were the benefits of “unplugging” for a while? What did you learn?

“I wouldn’t call it unplugging but rather reconnecting with myself, with nature, with different cultures.  I pulled the cord out of the familiar outlets, including unhealthy ones, and plugged into new, regenerative ones.

And that’s probably the biggest lesson learned.  I spent most of my career in the “grind it out” mindset, a single mom who pushed her own interests down the priority list for too long.  It’s not healthy.  That’s why I’m such a bleisure living advocate.  If I can travel greener, experience something new, and support a local community while I’m on the road, I’m all in.  I learned that getting small, daily doses of what keeps me healthy, inspired, and curious is critical to me being the best version of myself.”

What’s next for you?

“Now, all the stuff I put on hold is moving full steam ahead!  I relocated and am house hunting, have several lucrative irons in my professional fire, and am completing my next sustainability certification.  The energy and support for climate career changers like me are next level.  I’m excited and fully recharged for this next chapter!”


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